Friday, September 24, 2021

* Steadfast and Unmovable


It’s not enough to just come out of negative situations, we should have grown in faith, endurance, knowledge and intimacy with God so that we are fully prepared for the harvest that is ripe so that we can greet them, usher them in with gladness of heart, welcoming them in love rather than being disheartened, suspicious, lack-luster, dubious, frightened because we are still battling the after effects of the storms that we’ve been through or are currently in and don’t know who to handle it.  This should be part of our daily prayer:

Lord correct me when I’m wrong, guide me when I’m lost, strengthen me when I’m weak, give me a push when I want to give up.  Our desire should be as your word says:

But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.  Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.  1 Corinthians 15:57-58

I translate this to mean, when I’m wrong send s storm, if I’m led or go astray, send a storm, when I’m weak, send a storm, when my faith is low, send a storm, when I’m fainting, send a storm.  We don’t want it, but we need it.  The bible tells us that we learn, increase our knowledge and grow because of the storms in our lives.  Not only that, we learn how to weather and navigate the storms by being faithful and obedient to the word of God.

Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:  Matthew 7:24

Being faithful and obedient builds a solid, unshakeable foundation.

Unfortunately, many believers today suffer through situations and the cares of this life without really understanding why. Some bow out of their relationship with God while others accept it with tired resignation as if this is the life that they are to live as a Christian or a believer. Others buck and kick against their suffering never understanding why they are suffering. Some even indict God and become angry with Him. Think about this, without a situation of suffering, you'll never come to know the power of Jesus in your life. Suffering can actually become an opportunity for the power of God to be demonstrated in our life; an opportunity for the glory of God to be revealed.  Not to mention a strengthened relationship with God through our storms as we cling to him and watch His wonders be performed in our situations.

One thing we should all understand is that our storms are not always a result of disobedience. Neither is this kind of storm according to the will of God. Remember the account that I shared from Mark 4:35-40.  In short summary, Jesus had a mission, the enemy wanted to stop it; in the process scared the disciples.  Jesus took authority; calmed the storm and the disciples were first-hand witnesses to the awesomeness of God; namely that nothing is impossible with God.  God doesn’t want anything to hinder His plan for us. When we face this type of storm, exercise authority over the enemy through the power given us by Jesus. Don’t give into the storm, don’t run from the storm, but face it in the power and authority given us in the name of Jesus!  Jesus has given us authority in His name over every satanic attack of Satan and the power through His spirit to overcome.  

Note that there were other small ships with them.   Because these other ships were following Jesus, they were also protected. Surround yourself not only in the word and will of God, but with those who share your same spiritual beliefs!  Have someone close enough to you that they see even if they don’t experience what you’re experiencing so they can begin to pray and intercede on your behalf. There is definitely something to be said about being in the company of other like-minded believers!

Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.  Hebrews 10:25

Mark 4:35-50 was one account of a natural storm with a spiritual application.  It was also an example of a spiritual storm affecting our natural lives.  There are two other accounts of natural storms with spiritual applications recorded in the Bible that illustrates:

     storms of chastisement for sin and 
    storms according to the will of God. 

We can find an example of each in the account of Jonah in Jonah l. and the account of Apostle Paul and his storm in Acts 27.   

The commonality of these two storms – faith building that caused them to continue on with the will of God.  Neither got stuck in the storm – they moved forward!

From these 2 accounts, we can see there are differences between going through a storm of life within God's will and experiencing a storm out of the will of God. As with Jonah, when you go through a storm out of the will of God, it is a situation which you create.

When we cause a storm, it is because we violate God's will and are disobedient to His commands. Often we are not even aware of the seriousness of our situation. You sleep spiritually while the storm increases its fury around you. God's blessing is not on you, and those around you grow fearful. This storm is not an attack of Satan. It is chastisement from God who loves you and desires to bring you back into conformity to His will. You can confess promises of "power over the enemy" but it will not change the situation.  Take the necessary steps to get it right and keep it moving forward. 

When you recognize a storm of suffering as one resulting from disobeying God's voice, there is only one remedy:   Repent, confess, forsake (if necessary) and ask forgiveness from God and walk in obedience to His will!

But when our storm is according to the will of God, the situation is different. You suffer through no fault or sin of your own. You can be a remedy to the problems around you instead of a cause. Like Apostle Paul, you can assume spiritual leadership because God's grace is upon you. You can bring encouragement to others because you are a solution to the storm instead of the cause. You should not bail out of the ship or run from the trouble. You must abide in the "ship" of this type of storm because it is the will of God.  There were men on the boat with Paul who thought to dessert; to abandon the ship rather than be obedient to the man of God.  We mustn’t give up, we must endure - No matter what it looks like, no matter what it feels like!  And when the storm subsides, despite whatever wounds may have been inflicted, the scars from the wounds, remember you made it!  God never left you, He didn’t forsake you and He is still with you to help you navigate the next course of your life. 

The word of God is full of accounts of people, including Jesus, weathered storms.  There are several reasons why we, as believers, go through storms.  No one is raising their hand or signing up to go through a storm but yet, we must go through it in one form or another.  

Just like the men of old, we also must be prepared soldier, having the same mind-set as they; the mind of Jesus.  The bible tells us this:

Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind: for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin;  1 Peter 4:1

Go back to Jonah – rather than try to help him correct his wrong, they agreed to one solution which was to throw him overboard; to discard him so that their suffering would end. 

Examine the life of young Joseph as an example of this type of storm. Be it friend, family or foe, through no fault of his own, Joseph was sold into Egypt by his brothers, was imprisoned falsely by Potiphar's wife, and was forgotten by those he helped in prison. But read his response. Joseph said: 

Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves, that ye sold me hither; for God did send me before you to preserve life. . . so now it was not you that sent me hither but God.  Genesis 45:5, 7

Joseph got what he needed out of the storm:  integrity, love, generosity, forgiveness . . .

Storms come to us is through the circumstances of life. This is illustrated by the experiences of Naomi recorded in the book of Ruth. She was blindsided with sorrow because of the death of her husband and sons and was put in a situation that she probably never thought she would face. When Naomi experienced this difficult storms circumstances of life, she said, 

"No longer call me Naomi (which means blessed), but call me Mara." The name Mara means "bitter."  Ruth 1:20

But Naomi did not let the storm that was caused by her bitter circumstances of her life cripple her.  She took measures to be closer to her God in her decision to return to Judah and was blessed for it in the end.  The storm caused her to see the direction she should take which was the will of God for Ruth to be a position to meet Boaz.

    Spiritual blessings come through the storm:  

If you are a follower of Christ, you know storms are coming.  Peter admonishes us to arm ourselves or prepare our minds for them.  Jesus lets us know during storms of persecution:

Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake; for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you Matthew 5:10-12

    Obedience comes through the storm:  

Jesus himself, though being the word in flesh, was obedient to the Father:  

Though He were a Son, yet learned He obedience by the things which He suffered;  

Hebrews 5:8

     The word of God is tested within us through the storm:  

We cannot be an instrument for God without knowing that for which you stand.  That is why it is so imperative that while we are suffering that we continue or start reading our word and make it a daily part of our lifestyle.  

The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.  Psalms 12:6

     The storm humbles us

I can only speak for myself, I needed to be humbled because I thought I had it all together but through the process of my struggles, I saw very clearly how fragile I was; not physically or in the natural, but in the spirit. Yes, there were times when I wanted to just give up, but the Holy Spirit within me wouldn’t let me give up.   My pride would say, ‘you don’t have to take this’.   This one, I learned very well! I knew that without God, I am nothing, I was nothing; would be nothing.  

For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said , For we are also his offspring.   Acts 17:28  

God’s word stood up in me and said humble yourself under God’s might hand.

Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:  1 Peter 5:6

It was Moses who said:  

Who led thee through that great and terrible wilderness, wherein were fiery serpents, and scorpions, and drought, where there was no water; who brought thee forth water out of the rock of flint; Who fed thee in the wilderness with manna, which thy fathers knew not, that He might humble thee, and that He might prove thee, to do thee good at thy latter end.  Deuteronomy 8:15-16

     Storms take us to a higher spiritual level:  

This means you grow spiritually:  

Thou has enlarged me when I was under pressure.  Psalms 4:1

     Storms help us to come to know God in a better way:  

You come to know God on a more intimate basis Because of the storm. Job, who suffered much, learned this truth and after the storm was able to say:

I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee. Wherefore I abhor myself and repent in dust and ashes.  Job 42:5-6  

Some of us only know God through other people's experience.  When we are experiencing the blessings of life, God is often a luxury instead of a necessity. But when you have a real need, God becomes a necessity.  Jonah came to know God much more intimately through storms; he gained a greater understanding of the love and compassion of God. Before he suffered, he only had a working knowledge of God Afterwards, he knew Him by experience. It was Apostle Paul who said:  

That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable unto His death.  Philippians 3:10 

How was he made conformable?  Through his storms! 

Though it may look as if all is lost and you are facing defeat, if you are disoriented by the storms in your life; remember Jesus' words:

. . . be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.  John 16:33

Just like God was with those of old in their storms He is with us also.  Just learn how to trust and obey Him.  And remember, don't count yourself out, it's not over until God says it's over! 

Thursday, September 23, 2021

* Everywhere We Go - Witness


But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.  Acts 20:24

We are to witness God everywhere we go 

Jesus left all believers with an assignment.  Some call it the great commission.  That assignment has not been rescinded.  We are still to reach the world with the good news of Jesus Christ.  

We are still to:

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. Matthew 28:19-20

And until the day Jesus returns, this assignment is to be carried out.  

In studying the bible, you can see that the assignment existed in some form from the very beginning.

When Adam and Eve were created by God, the first command He gave them was to be "fruitful" and multiply in the natural world:

And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. (Genesis 1:28)

They were to plenish the earth the world with people in the image of God just as they were.

When God raised up the nation of Israel as a people through whom He could demonstrate His power and plan for the world, He called them to be spiritually reproductive:

Thou hast brought a vine out of Egypt: thou hast cast out the heathen, and planted it.  Thou preparedest room before it, and didst cause it to take deep root, and it filled the land. The hills were covered with the shadow of it, and the boughs thereof were like the goodly cedars. (Psalms 80:8-10)

The "vine" which God brought out of Egypt was the nation of Israel. He wanted them to bear spiritual fruit by revealing the true God to the gentile nations around them. Instead, Israel became like the heathen. They began to worship idols and wanted a visible human king to reign over them instead of the invisible King of kings.

The command didn’t stop there, God sent His son Jesus who commissioned this present dispensation to witness and spread the good news.

This command didn’t stop in the midst of the horrific events that have occurred in the past year; one disastrous occurrence after the other.  And it didn’t stop when the normalcy of life began to return.  But some of us have become so weary, combat fatigued and disoriented because of what we’ve been through and yet the commission remains unchanged.  We can continue with the commission because Jesus told us that He is with us even until the end of the earth.  He kept His word and sent His spirit to reside within us!  Our witnessing should be energized and fortified by the Holy Spirit so much so that we are able to produce more fruit; more believers in God.  Our life should be sterling examples of Jesus.  The world should not see blemishes, spots, wrinkles or any other thing that would cause them to not want to taste of the goodness of God in and thru us!  This doesn’t mean that we don’t or won’t go through some storms, it doesn’t mean that we should be hypocritical in our living, what it means is that:

We have our handbook, the word of God to lead us, guide us and keep us in whatever situation we may find ourself.  If you note in our handbook, the bible, despite the fact that the disciples were endued with power on high, the storms of life and assaults of the enemy still come.  But my handbook also shows me that God is with me in the midst of the storm.  Not only in the midst but before and after the storm.

Sadly, we’re living in a time when many of the saints of God have all but given up; they are defeated, discouraged and downtrodden, as if they have forgotten or don't know what the word of God, our handbook, tells us.  Many, many are combat fatigued, shell-shocked and disoriented as we entered in and remain in this pandemic; we’ve fought for so long and so hard during the storm; endured one thing – one hardship after the other and it’s had a profound effect on us that we didn’t even realize until that brief moment when the storm subdued.  But, thank God, there are so many scriptures that strengthen and sustain us, for instance, when Jesus lets us know:

Everything He teaches us is so that the peace which was in Him will be in us also and it will give us great confidence as we rest in Him. He lets us know that we don’t have to be fearful of the trouble and sorrows that come our way – we can be courageous, because He has already conquered the world!”

These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. John 16:33

And not only that, our suffering, trials and tribulations are not going to last always.  Our handbook tells us God will powerfully restore us and make us stronger than ever. He will set us firmly in place and build us up.  That’s what my handbook tells me!

But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. 1 Peter 5:10

Do you not know that we are in direct conflict with God when we succumb to discouragement and depression over the difficult situations of our life?  We insult God when we show Him that we don't trust Him to deliver us from the storms of life.  Please don’t misunderstand, the storm is there and it is real, but so is our God and He is bigger than the storm.

Instead of whining, crying, having a pity-party, quitting God, take this time to talk to God and ask Him to reveal to you what the storm is about and what He wants you to do not only in the midst of it but what to do when it is over.  You trusted God to see you through the storm, now trust Him to see you out of the storm.

Learn to Worship God instead of whining to God; acknowledge His sovereignty in all things and situations - including yours! 

Go in with faith, come out with faith, carry on in faith!

Another thing to understand is that storms in your life or suffering will come just as the word indicates.  How you handle the storm will determine how you come out of it.

Understanding why you are in the storm is crucial.  We have been a terrible season of suffering and for the most part we made it out as the world opens back up, we see efforts being made to right racial inequality, efforts made toward climate control – so in a sense, we can say we made it; we can come out of the storm shelter so to speak.  But to come out, we have to understand where we’ve been, why we were there, what we’ve been through, the wounds inflicted, and the scars the wounds left.  Not only that, we have to recognize that the terrain, the landscape, the environment has changed and so everything that we did prior to the storm can’t be done the same.  Suffering is sometimes compared to a natural storm. When you suffer, you experience a storm spiritually speaking.  Jonah when through a life-changing experience during his storm.  He couldn’t go back to where he was.  That place was a place of disobedience.  His disobedience is what caused his storm.

This storm may affect you spiritually, mentally, physically, materially, and/or emotionally.

I want to share 3 biblical accounts of storms and the spiritual application of those storms.

The Bible tells of a great storm which the disciples of Jesus experienced; found in Mark 4:35-41, We can use this natural storm to describe how horrible our spiritual storms can be.  In verse 37, it states:

And the same day, when the even was come, he saith unto them, Let us pass over unto the other side.  And when they had sent away the multitude, they took him even as he was in the ship. And there were also with him other little ships.  (37)  And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full.  And he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake him, and say unto him, Master, carest thou not that we perish?  And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.  And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith?  And they feared exceedingly, and said one to another, What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?  Mark 4:35-41

Our storms can be just as devastating as that; they buffet us to and fro and overwhelm us in the process.  No matter why the storm came, Satan sees it as an opportunity to attack.  Jesus had told the disciples to go to the other side by way of boat with Him. Jesus was with them in the boat.  Satan didn’t care; he had a two-fold mission.  He wanted their focus and their faith off of Jesus through this distraction; that in this case he sent.  But this was a faith building experience for the disciples that taught them to keep their focus on Jesus.  Secondly, the storm was caused by Satan for the purpose of keeping Jesus from getting to the other side.  This ferocious tempest was demonic in nature.  Satan realized that Jesus was stepping into territory he controlled on the other side of the lake. (See Mark 5:1–20).  Why do you say that?  Jesus would not have rebuked the storm if it was sent from God.  Satan was trying to prevent them from reaching the shore because of the miraculous works that were to be done in the country of the Gadarenes (Mark 5). Jesus took authority over the storm. He rebuked the powers of the enemy. Calm returned to the sea and they continued their journey unhindered.  Once there, He freed the man with the legion of demons, sent him forth to witness, waited for the witness to take affect and then returned and preformed many more miracles!

A storm of Satan is anything that tries to hinder us from fulfilling the will of God for our life.  The will go God is for us to be a witness.

The disciples saw and experienced another side of the power of God.  Don’t get distracted by the storms of Satan, keep your focus on God and His sovereignty.

Remember, like in this case, our storms are not always a result of disobedience. Neither is this kind of suffering according to the will of God. God doesn’t want anything to hinder His plan for us. When we face this type of storm, exercise authority over the enemy. Don’t give into the storm, don’t run from the storm, but face it in the power and authority given us in the name of Jesus!  Jesus has given us authority in His name over every satanic attack of Satan and the power through His spirit to overcome.  

Let me also note that there were other small ships with them.   Because these other ships were following Jesus, they were also protected. Surround yourself not only in the word and will of God, but with those who share your same spiritual beliefs!  Have someone close enough to you that they see even if they don’t experience what you’re experiencing and they can begin to pray and intercede on your behalf. There is definitely something to be said about being in the company of other like-minded believers!  This is not the time for us to pull away and neglect the gathering together, as so many have formed the habit of doing. In fact, we should come together even more frequently, eager to encourage and urge each other onward as we anticipate the soon coming of our Lord and Savior: 

Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.  Hebrews 10:25

That was one account of a natural storm with a spiritual storm.  There are two other accounts of natural storms recorded in the Bible which illustrate different types of storms we encounter in the course of our lives.  Stay tuned for the next blog.

    suffering by chastisement for sin and 

    suffering according to the will of God. 

Read the account of Jonah and his storm in Jonah l. and the account of Apostle Paul and his storm in Acts 27. Then compare the two: 


Suffering by chastisement for sin

Suffering according to the will of God

Jonah put himself in the storm

Paul was in the storm through no fault of his own

He paid the fare to sail

He tried to prevent them from sailing

He was the cause of the storm

He was the remedy, not the cause

Jonah slept during the storm

Paul fasted and prayed

God’ blessing was not with Jonah

God’s blessing was with Paul

The crew was fearful

The crew was of good cheer

To be saved:

To be saved:

Jonah must be cast out of the ship

All must abide in the ship

There are differences between going through a storm of life within God's will and experiencing a storm out of the will of God. When you go through a storm out of the will of God, it is a situation which you create.

When you cause a storm, it is because you violate God's will and are disobedient to His commands. Often you are not even aware of the seriousness of your situation. You sleep spiritually while the storm increases its fury around you. God's blessing is not on you, and those around you grow fearful. This storm is not an attack of Satan. It is chastisement from God who loves you and desires to bring you back into conformity to His will. You can confess promises of "power over the enemy" but it will not change the situation.

When you recognize a storm of suffering as one resulting from disobeying God's voice, there is only one remedy:   Repent, confess, forsake (if necessary) and ask forgiveness from God and walk in obedience to His will!

But when you suffer according to the will of God, the situation is different. You suffer through no fault or sin of your own. You can be a remedy to the problems around you instead of a cause. Like Apostle Paul, you can assume spiritual leadership because God's grace is upon you. You can bring encouragement to others because you are a solution to the storm instead of the cause. You should not bail out of the ship or run from the trouble. You must abide in the "ship" of this type of suffering because it is the will of God.

Though it may look as if all is lost and you are facing defeat, remember Jesus' words:

. . . be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.  John 16:33

And remember, don't count yourself out, it's not over until God says it's over!

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

* A Winning Strategy



We’re on the battlefield, but we have a winning strategy all because of Jesus!  When we don’t understand God's purpose and plan, we may be tempted to become discouraged in the conflicts of life. This is why so many fail in spiritual warfare: They do not understand the divine purpose behind the battle.  Oftentimes we fight against God when we don’t understand His purpose or plan for our life.


And now I say unto you, Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought:  But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God.   Acts 5:38-39

This scripture is talking about those fighting against the disciples but what about when we fight against what God has for us?  We’re too busy trying to do things our own way, listening to others instead of to God, fighting unnecessary battles with our self and with others all because we’re not understanding the purpose of God for our life.

God works through our life to accomplish His purposes:  So, then part of the winning strategy is we have to refuse to answer the call to surrender our body as a tool for the enemy.     

Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God.  (Romans 6:13)

When we yield ourself to become "instruments of righteousness unto God," it means we bring our life and ministry including our heart, soul and mind into harmony or agreement with His purpose and plans. By doing this, we automatically become a target for God's enemy, Satan.

Fortunately, we don’t have to be discouraged by this.  All we have to do is look at our perfect example, Jesus; He is our winning strategy!

Besides being the final sacrifice for our sins, Jesus came into the world to destroy the works of Satan. This immediately set Him in opposition to the enemy:  While the enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy, Jesus came to give us abundant life.

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly.              (John 10:10)

From the beginning of His earthly ministry, Jesus set about destroying the works of Satan:

·         He revealed the bondage of sin (John 8:34).

·         He forgave sins (Matthew 9:1-8; Mark 2:1-12,17; Luke 4:17-32).

·         He stressed the heart condition rather than the deception of outward appearance (Matthew 15:16-20; Mark 7:20-23; Luke 6:45; 11:39).

·         He healed the sick (Matthew 11:5).

·         He raised people from the dead (Mark 5:35-43; Luke 8:49- 56; John 11).

·         He released people from demonic powers (Matthew 8:16).

In short, He destroyed the works of Satan in the hearts, souls, minds, and bodies of men and women.  He caused:

 The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the Gospel preached to them. (Matthew 11:5)

And He didn’t stop there, he also destroyed the works of Satan, and He exposed the devious strategies of the enemy:

·         He taught on the deception of Satan which increases as the last days nears (Matthew 24-25; Mark 13; Luke 17:22-37; 21:8-36; Matthew 24-25).

·         He warned of Satan who was able to destroy the soul (Matthew 10:28).

·         He spoke of the necessity of binding the strong man (Satan) before spoiling his goods (Matthew 12:26-30; Mark 3:23-27; Luke 11:17-24).

·         He revealed how Satan tries to prevent the Word of God from being effective in the hearts of men and women (Matthew 13:38; Mark 4:15; Luke 8:12).

·         He exposed those who were not right with God as being of their "father, the devil" (John 8:44-47).

·         He revealed Satan as the "prince of the world"; the ruler of darkness (John 14:30).

Not only that, Jesus faced every temptation of the enemy which we face, but He overcame these temptations without sin.   The bible tells us:

For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. (Hebrews 4:15)

Because He was an integral part in the arena of spiritual warfare, He understands our battles and He strengthens us:

While He was still wrapped in flesh He was tempted in every way just as we are, and He conquered sin.  Because He emerged victorious, we can also be a victor if we utilize the strategies given us by Him:

For in that He Himself hath suffered being tempted, He is able to succor them that are tempted. (Hebrews 2:18)

He suffered and endured every test and temptation, so that He can help us every time we pass through the storms of our life.

We read the various accounts of the death and resurrection of Jesus in

·         Matthew 26-28;    Mark 14-16;  Luke 22-24; and   John 18-21.

The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ was the greatest confrontation that ever occurred between the power of Satan and the power of God.

Through the death of Jesus, Satan thought he had destroyed God's plan because he had killed God's only Son. He had destroyed the King who was to reign over God's Kingdom. But Jesus said It’s withing my power to call on my Father to deliver me – but I know my purpose – which is to fulfill the scriptures.

Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and He shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels?  But how then shall the Scriptures be fulfilled, that thus it must be?  (Matthew 26:53-54)

He let it be known that there was no power on earth greater than He when he explained to Pilate:    “You wouldn’t have any  power over me at all, unless it was given to you from above.

...Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above...  (John 19:11)

Jesus didn’t die because His power was less than that of the enemy. His death didn’t end the plan for God's Kingdom. It was not time for His Kingdom to be visibly established in the world.

The death of Jesus actually fulfilled the plan of God. Men could now be saved from the bondage of sin and the penalty of the "second death" (eternal separation from God because of sin).

Great though it was, salvation from sin was not the only victory gained by Jesus through His death on the cross. Through His death and resurrection, Jesus defeated all the power of the enemy:

 ...When He ascended up on high (was resurrected) He led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men.  (Now that He ascended, what is it but that He also descended first into the lower parts of the earth?  He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all Heavens, that He might fill all things.) (Ephesians 4:8-10 )

And having spoiled principalities and powers. He made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it. (Colossians 2:15)

He was the victor, not the victim!  Jesus defeated every power of the enemy, including death. He also passed judgment upon Satan and from that moment on, everything in this world changed because the ruler of this world, the prince of darkness was overthrown.

Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world (Satan) be cast out. (John 12:31)

Jesus paved the way to salvation. He defeated death and the principalities and powers of the enemy. He restored to man dominion over all things. He pronounced judgment on Satan which will be fulfilled in the future.

Our present situation; conditions which exists almost everywhere in the world where we see the catastrophic climatic events with these mega, out-of-control fires, and floods in Germany and China. We see civil unrest, for example, what’s happening right here in the United States, Cuba, Africa, Afghanistan and other places.  The powers of rebel forces within the government still at large and under the influence of the ruler of this world.  Resistance forces under Satan’s direction still war in the land; and all of these things impact us in one way or another; either physically or naturally or mentally and emotionally:  Fear, resignation, depression, anger, anxiety trip to grip us.  But don’t lose sight – we have the winning strategy.

Despite all of this, know that Jesus has conquered Satan and set his judgment. It doesn’t matter that Satan is still at large and his forces of demonic powers, the flesh, and the world are still at war in the land. These satanic forces attempt to control territory that is rightfully that of the Conqueror, Jesus. They try to blind men to the fact that Satan has been defeated and is under judgment. They try to control our homes, churches, and nations.  But our Lord and Savior is the conqueror, the sovereign one; He is victorious and through Him, so are we! 

Despite all that is going on in our life and in the world, Jesus has the final say.  In this dark world, Jesus is our light and through Him, we are the light to the world!  Never lose site of that, Jesus is our light and He is the source of light with is!

This is where the warfare of the believer comes into focus. Jesus has defeated the enemy but Satan remains at large in the world. It’s our task to open the eyes of men and women to his deception and regain control of territory that is rightfully ours. Talking about territory, this reminds me of Satan’s effort to stop Jesus from coming into territory that he had claimed for himself (Luke 8:22-29).  Jesus came to take it back and, like Jesus, we need not be afraid when we have Jesus on our side.  In that account, the disciples were fearful, Jesus was not.  The enemy started off with scare tactics – while they were at sea on their way to the territory to be claimed, a fierce wind rose and became a violent storm that threatened to overtake their boat.  From the account, we see that Jesus did not give up and did not back down.  He commanded the wind to be still.  When they reached the territory, because Jesus had met His enemy face to face on the waters; without fear or intimidation, the enemy that had overtaken a man, begged Him not to be cast out.  Jesus stood in all power and authority and cast the demons out!  There’s a lesson for you, stand your ground against the enemy!  Don’t give up and certainly don’t compromise.  This wasn’t His first battle and definitely not His last.  Just know that our personal battles will continue on in one form or another until judgment on Satan is executed or until we go to be with Jesus through sleep, whichever comes first but until then, we have victory right here on earth through Jesus:

We Only need be strong and very courageous . . . Joshua 1:7

Everything that Jesus teaches us by example and through His word is so the peace which is in Him will be in us and give us great confidence; particularly as we remember that in this unbelieving world, we’ll experience trouble and sorrows, but we can be just as courageous as Joshua; knowing that Jesus has already conquered the world!”  We are victorious in Jesus!  He tells us this:

These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.  John 16:33

Because we have Jesus, the conqueror, on our side, we are VICTORS, not victims

And just like Jesus, we can call on our heavenly Father!

Through Jesus, we’re a victor over the enemy rather than a victim of the enemy:

Jesus alone is the leader and source of everything we need to be victorious.  God put everything beneath the authority of Jesus and gave him the highest rank above all others.  (That includes the enemy!)  [Ephesians 1:22-23]

All things are "under the feet" of Jesus. This means He has conquered them. He is the head of the Church, and we are the body. And as part of the body, we have victory because Jesus has victory.  The bible says all things are under His feet, which means under His body, the Church.   We have power; the body has power because of and through our head, Jesus Christ.  This means we are victors, not victims.

We can be kept from the power of Satan, and self also for that matter, kept from their power to buffet us, cause us to stumble, cause us to lose our footing.   The enemy desires to sift us as wheat.  But, Jesus Himself prayed for us to be kept from the power of the enemy:  He prayed that God not remove us from the world, but that He guard our hearts from evil.  He didn’t just pray that for His present disciples but for all of us who would one day believe in Him through the message of His word.  [John 17:15,20]

We’re conquerors, not through our own power, but through the powers of a greater One.  No matter what is going on in our life, remember:

. . . In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us. (Romans 8:37)

When the spiritual battle gets rough, even when the circumstances of life is spiraling out of control, just remember that the Bible assures us of victory; it assures us that God will fight our battles, because we belong to Him through Christ Jesus.  Did He not fight for the Israelites at a time when the Assyrians had oppressed them to the point that God himself stepped in and went to battle for them?   

The Lord of hosts hath sworn, saying, Surely as I have thought, so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed, so shall it stand:  That I will break the Assyrian in my land, and upon my mountains tread him under foot: then shall his yoke depart from off them, and his burden depart from off their shoulders. (Isaiah 14:24-25)

This is the purpose that is purposed upon the whole earth; and this is the hand that is stretched out upon all the nations.  For the Lord of hosts hath purposed and who shall disannul it? and his hand is stretched out, and who shall turn it back? (Isaiah 14:26-27)

The Lord of Hosts has a purpose, and no force of the world, flesh, demons, Hell, or Satan himself can disannul it.  Because we are attached to the head, Jesus, we are assured of our victory in Christ!  Because of Him, we can stand and be victorious!

Jesus did not leave us defenseless, He sent us power through His spirit to help us along the way.  He opened up a communication channel so that we can call Him in our time of need.  He equipped us to stand – when we’ve done all that we can, stand and let God fight for you.  Jesus is our winning strategy!  Align yourself with Him and become the victor!

Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your word today.  It is my prayer that this reading empowered, enlightened and encouraged every reader to know that we are victors and not the victims!