Thursday, December 14, 2023

* Repositioned for the Kingdom – The Reciprocity of Love


Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. 
Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.  
James 4:8


I want to talk today about love being at the center of it all.  Love is the lubricant that stops us from being cut off by God and it’s also the agent that allows our shifting or repositioning to be easier.  After all, He tells us in His word, if you love me, you’ll keep my commands – implying if love isn’t involved, we might have a problem.  Because of love, God works in our lives in many different ways to make us the very best that we can be in Him.  The same God that intervened in Moses’ life intervenes in our lives today. Despite our obstacles, our shortcomings, our fears, struggles and weaknesses, there’s one that is capable of stepping in and making everything alright; the one true living God!  We have to accept the way that he steps in and intervenes and move accordingly.  We believe with all of our hearts that

. . . with God all things are possible.  Mark 10:27 

Our actions in God are predicated by what we believe in our hearts.  In the midst of all that’s going on in our lives and in the world today, sometimes we forget that this journey called life is to lead us to eternal life.  The bible tells us of the dispensation of the fullness of time when God is going to gather together in one all things in Christ.  Jesus’ prayer in the garden describes that eternal life, He said: 

. . . Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee: As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him. And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. John 17:1-3

 God granted Jesus the authority over our life:  that He might give us eternal life.

God created us for eternity; not just temporal time.  He doesn’t deal with us for our temporal time but for eternity.  But we seem to have lost a sense of eternity and a sense of accountability which causes us a lack of focus.  Thank God, in His infinite wisdom he knows how to keep us or get us on track. We can’t be found struggling against God in our mind,

®       To be repositioned we must have a renewed mindset; a mind that is set to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength [Mark 12:30].

Gods at work in all areas and in all people and He is pursuing us with a love relationship. 

We have to trust that God is able; that He’s capable of seeing us through each and every obstacle we come against.  It’s only with this mindset that we can be repositioned for whatever it is that God is calling us to do.  We don’t fight God in the obstacle, we seek God for His will to be made known to us.  The only way we can accomplish this is to know God in a better way; in an intimate way; understanding that He’s the only one that’s in full, complete control.  Listen to the prophet, Isaiah who said ‘He’s the potter, we’re the clay;’ [Isaiah 64:8].  

We can’t get it twisted, it’s God who’s at work; he’s the master molding and shaping us in the way that He would have us be [Isaiah 29:16].   

®       To be repositioned, we must be pliable; wholly submissive 

God sent his son not just to redeem sinful man, He also gave us an example to follow.  That example is Jesus.  Here’s an example I’ve found in Jesus: 

We don’t fit God in our plan, we fit our life into God’s plan.  

Whatever we see God doing that’s what we should be doing. Jesus said:

 . . .  My Father works, and so I work.  . . .  what I see the Father do: whatever he does, these also I do.    John 5:17-20

We know thru His word and we see that God – is seeking to save that which is lost.  The need to reposition in this phase is crucial. It doesn’t matter where we fall on the spectrum.  Rather we believe it or not, sometimes we sit right in the church and we have lost our way; got stuck in irrelevant ways stuck in church instead of living in the kingdom.  But God, in His loving kindness, seeks us out to reposition us [that’s one end of the spectrum] and puts us in the midst of the people of God [those that have allowed themselves to be repositioned] to help us find our way back to Him and His plan.

God is moving to bring His people, you and I, together collectively to do His work.  God shows up in the midst of our activity; the normal activity of our life; He comes to us and makes His will known; just as He did with Moses, Joshua, Peter, Paul and many others in the bible days.  He’s the same – yesterday, today and the future – and we have to expect and accept that God will do the same with us.  We need to open our heart and immediately adjust our will to His. 

®       To be repositioned, we must be able to hear God clearly.

God’s standards are different than man’s.  Just as we’ve lost sight of our eternal life, we’ve lost sight of the consequence of iniquity.  We’re so caught up with the world; the things of the world and the standards of the world that we’ve lost sight not only of God’s perspective but His standards and His purpose.  God says deny self, God says lose your life for His sake to save it.  We have to get to the point where it’s no longer about me and my wants and desires.  It’s about God’s desire for me. 

There’s a conflict in what we see and what God wants us to see.  We need to make our ways the same as God’s way.  We need to seek spiritual insight.  That’s the only way we can be victorious in Christ.  

®       To be repositioned, we must have a godly perspective. 

Remember without God we’re nothing, without God we can do nothing.   I’m not trying to offend, that’s not a statement of negativity or a pessimistic attitude, it’s truth.  What keeps us going and stops us from being dismayed, stops us from being non-fruit bearing is to be securely attached to the source [John 15:5 – the vine]. 

All we are, all we do, we owe to God!  That leads me to the conclusion that we must draw closer in our relationship with God in order that we can be and also remain attached to Him.  That requires some repositioning on our part knowing that when we:

Draw nigh to God, he’ll draw nigh to us.   James 4:8a

That brings us to my final thought:

®       To be repositioned, we must love God from the heart. 

In order to experience a close, intimate relationship with God, we must pursue it. It can’t be a one-sided relationship.  God can’t be the only one putting in the work.  We must be active participants and allow our experiences with God to grow us and reposition us into what He would have us to be in this phase and every season of our life.

God pursues a continuing love relationship with us that is real, personal and reciprocal.  We can’t fully love and appreciate God without believing who He is; it’s His will for us to believe on the one that was sent; His son, Jesus Christ [John 6:40].

It’s not always a pleasant experience because the bible lets us know  For the Lord disciplines those He loves, and He corrects each one He takes as His own  [Hebrews 12:6]  

God knows far better what sin and iniquity can do and so God, out of His love for us, disciplines us.  

Thank God for the Old Testament accounts.  Apostle Paul said that the things that happened then were written for examples and they’re written for our admonition; that we may know of them and not make the same mistakes they did.  Take heed lest ye fall!  I said that because I’m reminded of the account of King Nebuchadnezzar, [Daniel 3-4] who, though he didn’t walk in the ways of God, made certain assertions of God but never advanced beyond his words; he indicated he knew and believed in the sovereignty of God.  He said [in short]:

Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who hath sent his angel, and delivered his servants that trusted in him, and have changed the king's word, and yielded their bodies, that they might not serve nor worship any god, except their own God.  And went on to make a decree, that ended with because there is no other God that can deliver after this sort.  Daniel 3:28-29

At that point, he had the opportunity to change his ungodly ways and turn to the one true living God; shift his ways to the ways of God.  Remember, God hates the sin but loves the soul.  In this account, He had the opportunity to cancel all of his previous decrees that went against the way of God, but he didn’t.  Saying the right words but doing and thinking the wrong things.  After an accumulation of ungodly standards and attitudes; puffed up in his pride, and full of himself; God spoke to him thru a dream.

Even with the interpretation of the dream, the king wasn’t moved; still puffed up in pride, vain and not acknowledging the goodness of God to him  [Daniel 4:30]

God met him right where he was; high and mighty in his kingdom, and brought him down to the level of a beast in the field:

And he stayed in that state until the condition of His heart was made right and, in his heart, he was able to acknowledge the sovereignty of God, he said:

Now I Nebuchadnezzar praise and extol and honour the King of heaven, all whose works are truth, and his ways judgment: and those that walk in pride he is able to abase.   Daniel 4:37

What makes this account so powerful is that God gave King Nebuchadnezzar space to come to his senses; to realize that God is sovereign and everything that we have and everything that we are is because of God and God alone. He didn’t just cut him off.  He chastened him; a form of correction.  What is the purpose of me sharing this account?

Beloved, the assertions that we make; what flows from our lips must be founded in our heart so that we don’t just speak them, we live them, we walk them out!  In other words, it’s not just the words we speak, it’s not even about the actions we take, but it’s a heart thing – our hearts have to be shifted from vanity and selfishness to a pure heart that will then drive our words and deeds.  In your heart, what are you loving more than God, what are you esteeming higher than God?

God took everything that King Nebuchadnezzar had away from him, stripped him from his kingly vestments; bought him down to the level of the beasts in the field!  Yet, at the same time secured those very things for him - leave the stump of the tree roots for that time when he got His mind right – which was to acknowledge from his heart the sovereignty of God - know that the heavens do rule.  Not our idols, not us, but God! 

God’s children are fighting Him because we don’t understand the chastening that is occurring.  Though we may not like it, we are chastened of God to humble us, to discipline us – to discipline us is to correct us to redirect our thoughts and actions and to get us back on the right path; to reposition us in the Kingdom for His will to be completed in our life.

God chastens us out of love to get us to that right place in Him.  He’s not just being mean, He’s building us up, molding us, shaping us to be all that we can be in Him.  We may lose some things in the process but what we get back will be better.  

If we could never experience God without a natural example, we would be in bad shape.  So stop fighting God, in the midst of your troubles; use this as your quiet time to lay before God and see what He is trying to show you, what He’s trying to tell you so that you can alter your steps, change your mindset, love God from your heart and become repositioned; fully aligned with what He’s doing. 


Wednesday, December 6, 2023

* Solemn Assembly – 2023 – The Need To Be Repositioned in the Kingdom


 I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: 
the night cometh, when no man can work.
John 9:4-5

Good evening, I’m honored to be with you this evening; sharing the word of God during this awesome solemn assembly.  Our theme this year – Repositioned for the Kingdom – is so applicable if we’re to move forward in the will of God.  This word for today doesn’t matter where you are; rather you’re a babe in Christ or you have tenure, rather you’re soaring with eagles, strutting with turkeys or anywhere in between.  Where ever you see yourself; grab hold and be receptive to God’s word. 

I want to address the need to be repositioned in the kingdom.  So let’s start where we are today; dealing with an old network of ‘churching’ that doesn’t work today.  The old network of our forefathers is not adequate for today, the world is constantly shifting and changing and if we’re to be spiritually relevant in it, we have to be repositioned in God so we can be the instruments of godly change in the world.  Above all, we want to be fit for the master’s use.

I want to use Joshua as my backdrop to show the necessity of being repositioned in order to continue the work of God.  The work doesn’t stop because those that were leading the way are no longer here.  So, let’s take a look at Joshua and Moses.  In this account, after Moses died, God allowed Joshua a space of time to mourn.  The move forward to the promised land had come to a halt as Joshua mourned the loss of his beloved leader.  How long would Joshua have languished there if God had not told Him to get up, there was still work that needed to be done; he had to carry on in Moses’ stead but he couldn’t do it until he had been repositioned.  God’s plan didn’t die with Moses’ and it didn’t change with Joshua.  God’s intent was to get the Israelites to the promised land.  Moses’ job was to lead his people out of Egypt, Joshua’s job was to lead them into the promised land.  Joshua’s way was not Moses’ way but the commonality between them was still God’s way.  Their purpose was the same but Joshua’s monsters were not the same as Moses’.  He had been in the fight with Moses but he had to be repositioned for his fight.  But Joshua had an issue.  He was stuck in his mourning to the point that God had to intervene.  God told Joshua to get up and when you get up, I need you to :

 ®    Be strong and of a good courage

       ®    He told him to meditate in the word and observe to do all that is in it

        ®    And he told him don’t be afraid or dismayed

He was instructed to reposition himself to continue the work of God.  If Joshua was already strong and of good courage, was meditating on God’s word and doing it, if he wasn’t afraid or dismayed there would not have been a need for God to tell him those things.  But he was being repositioned from where he was in his mind to where he needed to be to carry out the next phase of God’s will.  Let me pause here and say all of our hindrances are not sin-related; Joshua’s wasn’t.  It was a need for a renewal in his mind.  How often do we consider ourselves unworthy or not capable, fearful of the unknown, too burdened with the cares or circumstances of our life so that we can’t do what God has called us to do?

Previously Joshua had Moses to lean on and now Moses was gone.  Just like Joshua with Moses, there are some of us who’ve had the honor and privilege to be in the company of some mighty men and women of God but now they’re gone and it’s left to us to carry on – not to be them – but do the work of God given to us for this time.  It takes some shifting; some repositioning to break away from the norms and antiquated networks; to have a new mindset.  Joshua needed a new mindset.  He was no longer 2nd in command, he was the new leader with a mission that needed to be completed.

We have a mission just like Joshua; ours comes from Jesus who said, I didn’t come to call the ‘righteous,’ but to call those who are sinners and bring them to repentance.”  Luke 5:29-32   

The cure for this sin-sick world is repentance and it’s the responsibility - our obligation, - those of us who are citizens of the Kingdom – to bridge the gap of sin-sick men to a forgiving Father.   Until Jesus comes again, we have to continue the work left to us by our savior, Jesus.

There’s a great spiritual gap – the gap is between the challenge of Jesus to reach the world with the Gospel and the failure of His people to fulfill that challenge.  That’s why we need to be repositioned.  It’s time now for the body of Christ to shift, to move, to reposition to meet the need, to reach the world before it’s too late.     

When we recognize and accept our personal responsibility to the multitudes of sin-sick people, we become part of a special group; a group of believers from all over the world who’ve joined together spiritually; the body of Christ – we all have a role to play in the body. 

Apostle Paul explains Jesus as the head, who joins and holds together the whole body; providing the support needed so each part works according to its proper design [Ephesians 4:16]

My role may not be the same as yours but we work together as a united front to accomplish the will of God and sometimes it takes some repositioning to get us in proper alignment.

If we’re to continue to fulfill the will of God and bridge the gap between sinful man and a righteous God, we have to get out of cultural, theological, and denominational ruts. We must be repositioned in the kingdom to meet the spiritual needs of today!  We have to be repositioned to go fourth as Jesus instructed and share the good news of the mediator between a merciful God and sin-sick man.

We’ve become so acclimated to the standards of the world, trying to blend in and fit in where we can that we’re casting shadows rather than shedding light!  We’re trying to blend in when we should be beaming the light of Jesus.  We need to get repositioned so that our light shines brightly! 

There has to be someone who will intercede on behalf of a sin-sick world, someone who will usher sinful men to a faithful God; a God who is rich in mercy and faithful to forgive us; someone who will cast the light that leads to the path of eternal salvation.  Playtime is over; if we’re not repositioned, – no one to effectively pray, no one to fast, no one to encourage, no one to preach and teach the word – then it’s a wrap for the world; men and women under our watch who could’ve been spared - fatally lost.  That’s why it’s imperative that we allow ourselves to be repositioned in the kingdom; what we did 10 years, 5 years, even 1 year ago may not be what is needful for today.  That’s why we have to be willing and pliable to the repositioning.   We can’t get stuck and comfortable like Joshua; languishing in his grief – Do like God told Joshua and get up!

The times we’re living in demands it!  It’s time to get up, all you 'Joshuas' – those who are scared, fearful, comfortable where you are, there’s work to do!  The times are perilous. We know the condition of the world and we know the condition of the church today.  In the world, these are critical times.   In the church there’s a great falling away, we're almost spiritually catatonic as the world plummets to a destructive end and not only that, the love of God has waxed cold in the hearts of many in the church.

We can see the world living out the word of God today.  Just like in the bible days, we’re living in perverse times:  I hear God saying, asking the question:  Can’t you see how wayward and wrong this generation is? Matthew 17:17.  

We don’t know how long God will stay His hand so we have make haste to be about our father’s business.  We have to be repositioned to be relevant in reaching out and getting the attention of a sin-sick, dying world to let them know that there is a way, a path to salvation, a hope that can only be found in and through Jesus. 

God made it possible to bridge the gap that separates us from Him.  He sent His son Jesus and Jesus let us know: 

. . . I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.  John 14:6

There’s no other way.  The Bible tells us:

. . . there’s one God, and there’s one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. (I Timothy 2:5)

The need for a mediator indicates there’s a gap or a separation between two parties who can’t accept each other. 

Jesus is the mediator between sinful man and a righteous God. Neither can accept the other without the mediator.   Jesus made it possible for man to be redeemed from sin and accepted by a righteous God.  The body of Christ isn’t left out of the equation; somebody has to lead the way to the mediator.  How do sinful men make it to Jesus – the answer is by those who are repositioned in the kingdom!

Multitudes of people still wait for the message of the mediator who can bridge the gap between them and God. They may not know exactly what they’re waiting on, but we know there are many, many people in the world just waiting to be found.  The bible says:

For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.  Romans 8:22

Groaning and travailing for the hope that is only found through Jesus!  The sin-sick needs someone to point them in the right direction; lead them to Christ.

The world is crying out, lost, confused and without hope; many not even realizing that there’s a place where their spiritual needs can be met, a place where there’s hope and a place where they can be healed and delivered from their sin-sickened state.  Some are spiritually dying and don’t even realize it.  But the bible says that

 . . . God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.  John 3:16

So, what must we do?  First and foremost, because of God but secondly for the sinner’s sake, as a repositioned child of God, we have to live a life that is a reflection of our heavenly Father.  Others see us, they observe us and they make note of what we do and what we say.  The bible talks about living epistles; through our actions as well as our speech; people should see the God in us.  (2 Corinthians 3:1-3)

For anyone who calls themself a saint of God, a child of the king, a kingdom citizen – however we refer to ourself, everybody in our life should know who we are and what we represent.  We can’t be wishy-washy, doubleminded or lukewarm.  We have to be alert to the timing of God.  How impactful are we?  We need to prick the hearts of the sin-sick one way or the other – either they run to Jesus (like in the case of Peter preaching his first sermon) or they cut you off like in the case of Stephan (who was stoned for his words).  But either way our impact should be big.  

Secondly – We have to do our part and work as a united force.  This is how it should be:  people working in all positions in the body of Christ; all working in unison; all staying in their own lane because they know their assignment; fitly joined.  No one trying to outdo the other or do a job that they haven’t been positioned. 

People can’t be totally delivered and set free because some are not allowing themselves to be repositioned; nor are they focused on the goal; they’re not seeing things and doing things from a godly perspective.  They’re looking for applause, a position, a title, promotion; when it’s not about that at all. 

We wonder why we see so much confusion and corruption in the church;

That’s another reason why we need to be repositioned so that we can combat every ungodly thing that comes against the kingdom of God.  We need to shut some stuff down; we need to set proper boundaries; we need to hold the standard of God up as a defense against all ungodliness – particularly as:

 We see the word of God being fulfilled:

And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.  Matthew 24:12

This is what we need to understand, no matter what state we’re in; rather we’re out of God’s will or in His will, He still loves us.  No, He doesn’t like or approve; nor is He accepting of the sin but He loves us.  His word tells us that He sent His only begotten son not because we’re so good, but because He loves us!  [John 3:16]  

It should be our desire to point people to Jesus.  Despite the times, we know that we serve a God that is omnipotent and that when we open our hearts to Him and obey His will, allow Him to mold us, shape us – that we become repositioned for His glory to be manifest. 

It’s time to be repositioned into a:  New year, new beginning, new mindset, new focus, new start, new intentions, new results!   

Lord, we thank you for your word on today.  I pray that it fell on good ground; that where ever we’re at in our walk with you, put it in us to be pliable to your will, to be repositioned to where and what You called us to be!  In Jesus name, Amen.



Tuesday, September 12, 2023

* Kingdom Readiness


We talk a lot about the books of Acts with the emphasis of the advent of God’s gift; His Holy Spirit, but I want to go back to the preliminary events first and then what happened after that advent. If we’re to be Kingdom Ready, it’s necessary for us to understand what it takes.  Just as it’s also important for us to realize that the gift of God’s spirit wasn’t for foot-stomping, hand-clapping, tongue-talking good times in church!

As citizens and residents of the Kingdom, we have work to do and in order to do the work according to the King, we must be taught and trained.

We know or have learned that the Old Testament was a shadow or type of that which was to come.  Before the children of Israel reached the promised land, they had to be taught and prepped so that when they reached the promised land, they didn’t wow out and misrepresent God.  Likewise, we know that the disciples didn’t just happen upon the upper room, decide to have a service and boom, God’s Spirit fell. No, they had been prepped for 3 years so when God’s spirit fell on them, they were ready to complete their assignment.


The children of Israel in the wilderness were prepped before they crossed over into the promised land.  God told Moses to tell them:

. . . When you cross the Jordan into the country of Canaan, drive out the native population before you, destroy their carved idols, destroy their cast images, level their worship-mounds so that you take over the land and make yourself at home in it; I’ve given it to you. It’s yours.  Numbers 33:50-53


In this account, God is letting the children of Israel know what they should do in their new God-given land so that they wouldn’t become tainted and infected by the ways of the Gentiles.   


In the same manner, the disciples were prepped for 40 days before Pentecost so that they could continue the work that Jesus began.  (Acts 1:1-4, 8) 


Have you considered that the body of Christ has been in training and have been in preparation for a great move of God for some time now?  Come on, we’ve been tested and tried on every side and every front!  We’ve been given a space of time to renew our commitment, draw closer to God, put our armor on and make sure that it’s properly adjusted so that when the time comes we’ll be ready to open our mouths with power and authority and proclaim to a dying world

  • that they too can be rescued; saved from the bondage of sin, 
  • that they too can have hope through Christ Jesus,
  •  that they too can become a citizen of the kingdom of light, and
  • that they too can have eternal salvation.

 We participate in this movement by adherence to and by acknowledging and obeying the spirit of God within us.   

 We have to have His Spirit.  Without His Spirit, it’s not possible to be totally obedient. We would be the same as the Pharisees of whom Jesus spoke - following the letter of the law (sometimes), operating from our mind and not the conviction of our heart and denying the power contained within God's word.

The Scribes and Pharisees had many, many rituals and laws which they adhered to but their adherence wasn’t out of their love for God but out of handed down customs which had long lost their initial intention. But Kingdom living is ordained by God and fulfilled by living in the spirit.  That’s what the bible says:

This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.  If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.   Galatians 5:16 & 25

But, back to the day of Pentecost – a group of people gathered together with nothing; save their faith and praise and it was on that day that they were endued with power from on high; with the power that comes with God’s spirit.

If we think about what led up to that miraculous occurrence - that Jesus had been teaching and training his disciples for three years; all they needed now was the power to put that training and teaching into motion. 

         We look at Peter and his 1st sermon to a crowd of thousands, and

         follow Peter and John as they went about preaching, healing the       
            sick and converting souls. 
         We can look at Peter who discovered that cultural and racial differences don’t
            belong in the Kingdom of God. 
   √         We look at Peter who now realizes he is no longer bound by fear because he has
               the power of God through His Spirit active inside him. 
         We look at Stephan who asked God to forgive his murderers.      
√         We can look at Philip the 2nd, led by God’s Spirit to meet up with
            the Eunuch and that same Philip who turned an entire city to God.        
√         We can look to Paul who formerly persecuted and jailed Christians and is now
            leading people to God; loving them instead of hating them. 
         and countless other Christians fueled with God’s Spirit, who despite   
            persecution, continued to witness the gospel of the kingdom of God.

We believers need to be refreshed and refueled through the power of God so that we can go out with renewed vigor and witness Jesus to a lost world.  This refreshing; this refueling particularly this year, is to increase our knowledge in God, to strengthen our relationship with God and to get us Kingdom Ready; to open our mouths and declare Jesus as our lord and savior.   We’re not in readiness preparation just to hear ourselves speak or to show ourself off as whoever or whatever we’ve been called to be in the church, but to do the work of God; to bring people to Christ.  When you look at the accounts given in Acts, they all had the same end – bringing people to Christ.  How do we do this in a relevant way?  We do this by Kingdom living; teaching the word of God, fellowship without discrimination of race, culture, and financial class, through worship, evangelism, healing & deliverance and by acknowledging and acting through the power of God!

One aspect of being Kingdom Ready is whatever we do, our actions are done in cooperation with God’s Spirit.   Kingdom Ready is all about


o          Living life from another dimension –
o          Being driven by divine purpose,
o           It’s all about being dedicated to the things of God
o          Being Kingdom Ready is a threat to society
o          A Kingdom Ready believer lives on the other side of the vail of God
            where life is blessed and highly favored
o          Kingdom Ready includes praying for the wisdom of God
o          Kingdom Ready sees God in the midst of everything

If we want to be or become Kingdom Ready, we must remain, be, or become full of God’s Spirit.  Remember, the disciples were told to wait until they were intoxicated; endued with power from above! 

Once we understand that when we’re in obedience to the spirit of God and we’re no longer in bondage to our flesh [self-nature] or the influence of Satan, or entangled with the standards of the world, it becomes easy to let go of the things that are contrary to the culture of the kingdom that puts us in a state of unreadiness. Unlike the Scribes and the Pharisees, our acts are not to be done without forethought, reflection and consideration of God’s Spirit.

When we take up residency in the Kingdom of God, we must learn the conduct given by God for Kingdom living; it’s necessary if we’re to be relevant in a dying world.  It’s similar to learning the lifestyle of a new country to which we’ve moved and it has a totally different culture to what we’ve been accustomed.  We don’t have to pack none of our old ways and bring them with us because God said the old things are passed away!  God takes our nothingness and turns it into something in Him – and behold we’re new creatures.

Biblical illustrations, parables and historical accounts are given in the word of God for purposes of imitation. For example, the life of Jesus is an account which believers are to follow.   Remember our actions must match our speech.

We must pattern ourselves after the examples given to us in the word of God.  Ezekiel was shown the wonders of the house of God. The specificity and the attention to detail was clearly outlined as Ezekiel was instructed to inform the children of Israel so that they would do right in the sight of God.

And if they be ashamed of all that they have done, shew them the form of the house, and the fashion thereof, and the goings out thereof, and the comings in thereof, and all the forms thereof, and all the ordinances thereof, and all the forms thereof, and all the laws thereof: and write it in their sight, that they may keep the whole form thereof, and all the ordinances thereof, and do them. Ezekiel 43:11

In the same manner, Jesus has given us the form and ordinances and laws that make up the Kingdom of God. That passage of scripture stressed the importance of patterns and principles to the children of Israel while at the same time shows us the foundation on which the Kingdom of God exists.

We can’t be like the children of Israel and establish our own standard of kingdom conduct and charisma. When this is done, we set up a wall of separation between the kingdom of God and ourselves; making us unfit to be Kingdom Ready. Like Israel, it prevents our worship and service from being acceptable to God.

Adapting to or borrowing the world’s standards to make the world feel included is not a standard or principle of God who tells us to come out of the world; not blend with the world!  We’re to be the difference and the light in the dark!

But, we have to do it God’s way; according to His standards.  We know there are many worldly standards of measurement. There’re different patterns for worldly conduct and success which men pattern themselves after. Men measure themselves by other men instead of by the conduct or culture that God' has established for His kingdom. But we’re warned against doing this.  Apostle Paul saw the danger in doing this.  He said:

. . .we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: . . .  2 Corinthians 10:12

The prophet, Ezekiel, told the people to look at God's pattern and measure the pattern of their lives accordingly:

Thou son of man, shew the house to the house of Israel, that they may be ashamed of their iniquities; and let them measure the pattern. Ezekiel 43:10

When people set up their own patterns of conduct, their own denomination, religious, or cultural rules, they set up a false standard of measurement. They begin to teach as biblical doctrine things that are nothing more than commandments of men. The word of God tells us this.

But in vain they do worship me . . . Matthew 15:9

God is a God of specifics. When we look at the creation of the world, there was nothing that was left to chance; from the very air we breathe to the replenishing of the earth and when it came to man, God was also particular. He created man to worship and have fellowship according to his good, perfect and acceptable will.  God fashioned man after His will, not our thoughts and ideologies.

When Moses was given instructions for building the tabernacle, he was cautioned to do everything according to the pattern given by God: 

According to all that I shew thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle and the pattern of all the instruments thereof, even so shall ye make it . . .   Exodus 25:9

This account of Moses illustrates examples of the outer or exterior building of the kingdom of God. However, it’s not enough to just display the exterior. We have to not just have the form; we must also have the content or character of the Kingdom. We can’t just dress up the outside, the inside has to be clean also; free from iniquity.  Jesus is the great example by which we’re to pattern our lives:

For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you. John 13:15

The accounts of men and women of God are recorded in the bible as patterns for us to learn from. Apostle Paul shares this insight to the church at Corinth. Peter lets us know not only are we given good examples to follow, but we’re also given examples of bad behavior that is not part of the conduct of the Kingdom of God.

And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly; 2 Peter 2:6

We’re to be spiritual examples by exhibiting the characteristics of the Kingdom of God.

If we’re to provide a positive spiritual pattern for others, then we must understand and incorporate Biblical principles into our life.

So prepare yourself; from today forward, let’s make ourself Kingdom Ready; equipped for God’s use!
