We talk a
lot about the books of Acts with the emphasis of the advent of God’s gift; His
Holy Spirit, but I want to go back to the preliminary events first and then
what happened after that advent. If we’re to be Kingdom Ready,
it’s necessary for us to understand what it takes. Just as it’s also important for us to realize
that the gift of God’s spirit wasn’t for foot-stomping, hand-clapping,
tongue-talking good times in church!
As citizens and residents of the Kingdom, we have work to do and in order to do the work according to the King, we must be taught and trained.
We know or have learned that the Old Testament was a shadow or type of that
which was to come. Before the children
of Israel reached the promised land, they had to be taught and prepped so that
when they reached the promised land, they didn’t wow out and
misrepresent God. Likewise, we know that
the disciples didn’t just happen upon the upper room, decide to have a service
and boom, God’s Spirit fell. No, they had been prepped for 3 years so when
God’s spirit fell on them, they were ready to complete their assignment.
children of Israel in the wilderness were prepped before they crossed over into
the promised land. God told Moses to
tell them:
. . . When
you cross the Jordan into the country of Canaan, drive out the native
population before you, destroy their carved idols, destroy their cast images,
level their worship-mounds so that you take over the land and make yourself at
home in it; I’ve given it to you. It’s yours. Numbers 33:50-53
In this
account, God is letting the children of Israel know what they should do in
their new God-given land so that they wouldn’t become tainted and infected by
the ways of the Gentiles.
In the
same manner, the disciples were prepped for 40 days before Pentecost so
that they could continue the work that Jesus began. (Acts 1:1-4, 8)
Have you
considered that the body of Christ has been in training and have been in
preparation for a great move of God for some time now? Come on, we’ve been tested and tried on every
side and every front! We’ve been given a
space of time to renew our commitment, draw closer to God, put our armor on and
make sure that it’s properly adjusted so that when the time comes we’ll be
ready to open our mouths with power and authority and proclaim to a dying world
- that they
too can be rescued; saved from the bondage of sin,
- that they too can have hope through Christ Jesus,
- that they
too can become a citizen of the kingdom of light, and
- that they too can have eternal salvation.
The Scribes and Pharisees had many, many rituals and laws which they adhered to
but their adherence wasn’t out of their love for God but out of handed down
customs which had long lost their initial intention. But Kingdom living is ordained
by God and fulfilled by living in the spirit.
That’s what the bible says:
This I
say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in
the Spirit. Galatians 5:16 & 25
But, back to the day of Pentecost – a group of people gathered together with
nothing; save their faith and praise and it was on that day that they were
endued with power from on high; with the power that comes with God’s spirit.
If we
think about what led up to that miraculous occurrence - that Jesus had been
teaching and training his disciples for three years; all they needed now was
the power to put that training and teaching into motion.
√ We look at Peter and his 1st sermon to a crowd of thousands, and
sick and converting souls.
We believers need to be refreshed and refueled through the power of God so that we can go out with renewed vigor and witness Jesus to a lost world. This refreshing; this refueling particularly this year, is to increase our knowledge in God, to strengthen our relationship with God and to get us Kingdom Ready; to open our mouths and declare Jesus as our lord and savior. We’re not in readiness preparation just to hear ourselves speak or to show ourself off as whoever or whatever we’ve been called to be in the church, but to do the work of God; to bring people to Christ. When you look at the accounts given in Acts, they all had the same end – bringing people to Christ. How do we do this in a relevant way? We do this by Kingdom living; teaching the word of God, fellowship without discrimination of race, culture, and financial class, through worship, evangelism, healing & deliverance and by acknowledging and acting through the power of God!
One aspect of being Kingdom Ready is whatever we do, our actions are done in cooperation with God’s Spirit. Kingdom Ready is all about
o Being driven by divine purpose,
o It’s all about being dedicated to the things of God
o A Kingdom Ready believer lives on the other side of the vail of God
o Kingdom Ready includes praying for the wisdom of God
o Kingdom Ready sees God in the midst of everything
If we want to be or become Kingdom Ready, we must remain, be, or become full of God’s Spirit. Remember, the disciples were told to wait until they were intoxicated; endued with power from above!
Once we understand that when we’re in obedience to the spirit of God and we’re no longer in bondage to our flesh [self-nature] or the influence of Satan, or entangled with the standards of the world, it becomes easy to let go of the things that are contrary to the culture of the kingdom that puts us in a state of unreadiness. Unlike the Scribes and the Pharisees, our acts are not to be done without forethought, reflection and consideration of God’s Spirit.
When we take up residency in the Kingdom of God, we must learn the conduct
given by God for Kingdom living; it’s necessary if we’re to be relevant in a
dying world. It’s similar to learning
the lifestyle of a new country to which we’ve moved and it has a totally
different culture to what we’ve been accustomed. We don’t have to pack none of our old ways
and bring them with us because God said the old things are passed away! God takes our nothingness and turns it into
something in Him – and behold we’re new creatures.
Biblical illustrations, parables and historical accounts are given in the word
of God for purposes of imitation. For example, the life of Jesus is an account
which believers are to follow. Remember our actions must match our speech.
We must pattern ourselves after the examples given to us in the word of God. Ezekiel was shown the wonders of the house of God. The specificity and the attention to detail was clearly outlined as Ezekiel was instructed to inform the children of Israel so that they would do right in the sight of God.
And if
they be ashamed of all that they have done, shew them the form of the house,
and the fashion thereof, and the goings out thereof, and the comings in
thereof, and all the forms thereof, and all the ordinances thereof, and all the
forms thereof, and all the laws thereof: and write it in their sight, that they
may keep the whole form thereof, and all the ordinances thereof, and do them. Ezekiel
In the same manner, Jesus has given us the form and ordinances and laws that
make up the Kingdom of God. That passage of scripture stressed the importance
of patterns and principles to the children of Israel while at the same time
shows us the foundation on which the Kingdom of God exists.
We can’t be like the children of Israel and establish our own standard of
kingdom conduct and charisma. When this is done, we set up a wall of separation
between the kingdom of God and ourselves; making us unfit to be Kingdom
Ready. Like Israel, it prevents our worship and service from being
acceptable to God.
Adapting to or borrowing the world’s standards to make the world feel included is not a standard or principle of God who tells us to come out of the world; not blend with the world! We’re to be the difference and the light in the dark!
But, we have to do it God’s way; according to His standards. We know there are many worldly standards of
measurement. There’re different patterns for worldly conduct and success which
men pattern themselves after. Men measure themselves by other men instead of by
the conduct or culture that God' has established for His kingdom. But we’re
warned against doing this. Apostle Paul saw the danger in doing this. He said:
. . .we
dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that
commend themselves: . . . 2
Corinthians 10:12
The prophet, Ezekiel, told the people to look at God's pattern and measure the
pattern of their lives accordingly:
Thou son of man, shew the house to the house of Israel, that
they may be ashamed of their iniquities; and let them measure the pattern. Ezekiel
When people set up their own patterns of conduct, their own denomination,
religious, or cultural rules, they set up a false standard of measurement. They
begin to teach as biblical doctrine things that are nothing more than
commandments of men. The word of God tells us this.
But in vain they do worship me . . . Matthew 15:9
God is a God of specifics. When we look at the creation of the world, there was nothing that was left to chance; from the very air we breathe to the replenishing of the earth and when it came to man, God was also particular. He created man to worship and have fellowship according to his good, perfect and acceptable will. God fashioned man after His will, not our thoughts and ideologies.
When Moses was given instructions for building the tabernacle, he was cautioned to do everything according to the pattern given by God:
to all that I shew thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle and the pattern of
all the instruments thereof, even so shall ye make it . . . Exodus
This account of Moses illustrates examples of the outer or exterior building of
the kingdom of God. However, it’s not enough to just display the exterior. We
have to not just have the form; we must also have the content or character of
the Kingdom. We can’t just dress up the outside, the inside has to be clean
also; free from iniquity. Jesus is the
great example by which we’re to pattern our lives:
For I
have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you. John
The accounts of men and women of God are recorded in the bible as patterns for
us to learn from. Apostle Paul shares this insight to the church at Corinth. Peter
lets us know not only are we given good examples to follow, but we’re also
given examples of bad behavior that is not part of the conduct of the Kingdom
of God.
turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes condemned them with an
overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly; 2 Peter
We’re to be spiritual examples by exhibiting the characteristics of the Kingdom
of God.
If we’re to provide a positive spiritual pattern for others, then we must
understand and incorporate Biblical principles into our life.
So prepare yourself; from today forward, let’s make ourself Kingdom Ready;
equipped for God’s use!