And after the earthquake a fire: but the Lord was not in the fire:
and after the fire a still small voice.
1 Kings 19:12
If you are expecting God to speak to you in a particular manner, you may miss out. God does not always speak in the same way nor does He always use the same methods to accomplish His will in a particular situation. Unfortunately, we often try to limit God to a set pattern of communication and methods. Some of us are so stringent in our stance toward God that we refuse to allow God to move in any way that He chooses and therefore we miss the voice of God. We become frustrated because God is not operating in the way we expect.
Because God has spoken in a certain way one time, we believe He will always direct us in the same way.
God has many methods of communicating with man
and many ways of accomplishing His will.
We must strive to become as children and humble ourselves before God; be accepting of His methods and know that God is not limited by a set pattern. Though we may not always understand, we have to know that God is always in complete control. Consider these examples:
When Moses was leading the nation of Israel across the dessert to the land God promised them, providing water for two million people was a major challenge. On one occasion God told Moses to strike a rock with his rod. When he did, water poured out of the rock. On another occasion when the Israelites were thirsty God wanted Moses to speak to the rock. Instead, Moses struck the rock as he had done previously. This was displeasing to God, and Moses was punished. This account illustrates the importance of waiting for guidance from God and being obedient to His specific instructions even when facing a familiar situation.
God is not limited to any previous pattern which you have experienced.
God used many supernatural methods to communicate to the Prophet, Elijah. Once Elijah had a unique experience which illustrated the importance of knowing God's voice. Elijah was told to go and stand on a certain mountain and wait for God to speak to him. This is what happened:
And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the Lord; but the Lord was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the Lord was not in the earthquake: And after the earthquake a fire: but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice. 1 Kings 19:11-12
God used many ways to direct the
Apostle, Paul, during his missionary ministry:
¨ On the Damascus road Apostle Paul was directed by a bright light and
a voice from Heaven. Acts 9:1-8
¨ When a plot was formed to murder Apostle Paul, he was warned by
believers who were used of God to help him escape. Acts 9:20-25
¨ Barnabas was used by God to establish relationships between Apostle Paul and the other disciples. Acts 9:20-28
¨ Believers were used of God to help Apostle Paul escape the angry
Grecians. Acts 9:29-30
¨ When Apostle Paul met an occultist, God gave him discernment to
bring deliverance. Acts 13:6-12
¨ Prayer and the Holy Spirit guided Apostle Paul into a special missionary
ministry. Acts 13:2-4
¨ Personal prophecy by Agabus confirmed the experience that
awaited Apostle Paul in Jerusalem. Acts 21:10-14
¨ God spoke to Apostle Paul through dreams and visions. Acts 22:18;
26:19; 27:23-24
¨ An effectual door of service opened by the Lord caused Apostle Paul to
change his personal plans. I Corinthians 16:8-10
God spoke to Philip the first time
through an angel. The second time He spoke through the Holy Spirit and Philip
responded immediately. He did not wait for confirmation from an angel the
second time God spoke just because that method had been used previously.
And the angel of the Lord spake unto Philip, saying,
Arise and go toward the south unto the way that goeth down from Jerusalem unto
Gaza, which is desert. And he arose and went; and behold, a man of
Ethiopia, an unich of great authority under Candace, queen of the Ethiopians,
who had the charge of all her treasure, and had come to Jerusalem for to
worship, was returning and sitting in his chariot reading Essaias the prophet.
Then the spirit said unto Philip, Go near, and join thyself to this chariot. Acts 8:26-29
When David was a young man, he
battled an enemy of God's people named Goliath. Although Goliath was a giant
and well armed, God told David not to use traditional weapons of warfare.
Instead, David used a sling shot. In a glorious victory, David brought down the
enemy with one well-directed shot which struck him in the forehead. In later
years David could have been slain by a giant named Isbibenob if his nephew
Abishai had not come to his aid. Are we to conclude that God was with David
when he met Goliath, but not when he confronted the second giant? No. God
simply used a different method. The first time God used David's skill with a
sling. The second time He used Abishai`s military skill.
When God does not choose to speak to
you as He has in the past, do not become frustrated. If His will for you in a
similar situation is not identical to what it was previously, do not become
The great Creator is also a great communicator. His methods are unlimited.
Be attentive to the voice of God in whatever method He presents Himself to you and then act according to the instructions He gives you.
God is not restricted to certain communication patterns
and methods of accomplishment.
The great Creator is also a great communicator. His methods are unlimited.
Be attentive to the voice of God in whatever method He presents Himself to you and then act according to the instructions He gives you.
Biblical Studies
This Part: If you are expecting God to speak to you in a particular manner, you may miss out. God does not always speak in the same way nor does He always use the same methods to accomplish His will in a particular situation. Unfortunately, we often try to limit God to a set pattern of communication and methods. Some of us are so stringent in our stance toward God that we refuse to allow God to move in any way that He chooses and therefore we miss the voice of God. We become frustrated because God is not operating in the way we expect.
ReplyDeleteBecause God has spoken in a certain way one time, we believe He will always direct us in the same way.
Truly too many people have adopted a saying that God Always speaks in a still small voice & that is just not true.
God speaks according to His mood.
When He is angry He may or may not thunder
When He announces He may or may not trumpet.
OBEDIENCE upon Recognizing and Knowing it is God is what really matters.