And do not be conformed to this world,
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind,
that you may prove what is
that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2
When we speak of knowing God's voice, we must understand there are two basic divisions of the will of God. Each division is in harmony with the other:
√ That Revealed In His Written Word:
The first division of the will of God is that which is specifically revealed in the Bible.
There is a sovereign, individual, and moral will of God.
The will of God for each individual always falls within His sovereign and moral will as revealed in His written Word. The written Word of God includes the complete revelation of God's moral will. This includes all the commandments as to how we should live. God's sovereign will includes His moral will. It is His sovereign will that each man and woman who professes Jesus live within the moral standards of His written Word. The written Word of God includes portions of His sovereign will which He has revealed to us and includes the general outline of His master plan for the world and man in general.
The best summary of this plan is found in this passage of scripture:
Having made known unto us the mystery of His will, according to the good pleasure which He hath purposed in Himself; That in the dispensation of the fullness of times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in Him; In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of Him who worketh all things after the counsel of His own will. Ephesians 1:9-11
√ That Not Revealed In His Word:
The second division of God's will is that which is not revealed in His Word. This includes the individual life plan for each believer. God's Word does not reveal our specific life ministry or occupation, what church we are to attend, who we are to marry, where we are to live, etc. Yet each of these decisions are important. It is for decisions like these that we must seek God's will and be able to hear His voice when He speaks to us.
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5-6
When desiring to know God's will in regards to a certain life situation, first study the Scriptures to see if specific guidance is given in the written Word of God. There is no need to "seek God's will" or ask for confirmation of His will when He has already spoken it in His written Word. Examine the Scriptures carefully for specific guidance already given. Accept the written Word as God's voice speaking to you. If we refuse the guidance God has given in His written Word, we open our self up to deception.
In many situations the Bible provides general principles --which when understood and applied-- will lead to a decision consistent with God's will. These principles apply to a variety of specific situations. For example, Apostle Paul warns:
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial (Satan)? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? 2 Corinthians 6:14-15
Here the Bible gives a general principle that believers and unbelievers should not be yoked together. This principle can be applied to many life situations: Being married to an unbeliever, going into business partnership with an unbeliever, making unbelievers your closest friends, etc.
Search the Scriptures for biographical examples which apply to your situation.
Study the lives of Biblical men and women to see what decisions they made in similar situations and if such decisions were in harmony with the will of God.
In matters where specific guidance is not given in the written Word of God, the Lord has other methods by which He speaks to man. But remember, guidance for individual life situations will always agree with the written Word of God. God's voice leads within the confines of the written Word.
The following chart summarizes the two divisions of God's will as indicated above:
That Revealed (Written Word) That Not Revealed (Not Written)
Moral and sovereign will revealed in The individual life plan for each believer
His written word
Includes His general will for all mankind Includes specific decisions such as life
and His master plan for the world work, ministry, residence, education,
marriage, and guidance in other specific
Includes specific commandments and promises
to govern living.
Includes general principles upon which Some individual decisions can be made
specific decisions can be based upon the basis of general principles,
examples, and specific commands
revealed in God’s words
The bible speaks of God's good, acceptable and perfect will
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God. Romans 12:1-2
We ask the question, "What is meant by the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God?"
* The Perfect Will of God:
The perfect will of God is accomplished when a believer is in harmony with the moral, sovereign, and individual will of God for his life.
The believer has accepted the sovereign plan of God for his salvation through the new birth experience. He is in harmony with the moral commandments of God's written Word. He also has determined and is doing God's specific guidance for his individual life plan.
* The Good Will of God:
In the good will of God, the believer is not in the perfect plan for his life but he is within God's sovereign and moral will. He is not disobedient to God's revealed will, and he is still seeking to find that perfect individual plan of God for His life.
* The Acceptable Will of God:
This believer is missing the perfect will of God for his life but is still in an acceptable area. He is living in the permissive will of God. He may not even be concerned about God's perfect will for His life. God is permitting him to live in this area, although it is not God's perfect will for him.
Outside The Will Of God:
The believer in this realm is in direct disobedience to God's revealed will.
The account of Balaam found in the book of Numbers illustrates these realms of God's will. Some men from Moab asked a prophet named Balaam to go with them and prophesy against God's people, Israel. God spoke to Balaam and told him not to go:
And God said unto Balaam, Thou shalt not go with them; thou shalt not curse the people: for they are blessed. Numbers 22:12
It was the perfect will of God for Balaam NOT to go with the men of Moab. But Balaam disobeyed God's voice and went with the men. When he did, he was functioning in disobedience outside the revealed will of God.
God desired so much for Balaam to know His will that He used a donkey to speak to him and convict him of his sin. After this God permitted Balaam to continue on with the men of Moab with orders that he was to bless rather than curse the Israelites. Balaam was now functioning in the permissive will of God.
The journey resulted in a series of trying encounters with a man named Balak. These could have been avoided if Balaam had obeyed the voice of God and never gone in the first place.
The perfect will of God was that Balaam not go with the men of Moab. Balaam disobeyed and moved outside of the will of God. He was not in the good will of God where the believer is missing the perfect will but seeking it. He was in complete disobedience to the voice of God. The acceptable or permissive will of God permitted Balaam to continue on the journey even though it was not God's perfect will for him.
What is not a part of God's acceptable will is the allowance of infidels, mockers, scorners, etc. to infiltrate, defile and disrupt the places that have been sanctified to share His word.
Part of being in the divine will of God is knowing His voice
be it through His written word or audibly and being obedient to it.
What is not a part of God's acceptable will is the allowance of infidels, mockers, scorners, etc. to infiltrate, defile and disrupt the places that have been sanctified to share His word.
For the record, let me begin by saying that in this social media platform and any other internet social media platform, we have to be very careful of who and what we allow in groups and communities that have been set aside; sanctified for the purposes of God, which is to spread His word. I take a stand; as a representative of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, that I would not let Atheist and other non-believers in God or His word infiltrate the community I started, JESUS: AT THE TABLE, with negative posts and remarks.
It is for the believer, the lost, the confused, the faltering and anyone else that has an interest in learning how to, build, retain and maintain a relationship with God. As the shepherd of that community, I will not allow trash or unpalatable meals to be served there.
With that being said, I believe that there is a misunderstanding when we think that as Christians we have to stand by and listen to (or read) the ungodly counsel of the unbeliever! To allow it or be silent when we see or read it is to condone it. This does not mean that we have to argue with them, but like the unpalatable meal, we throw it out; ban it from our communities so that it does not taint the ones who desire the good word of God.
Having said that, we should know that in building a right relationship with God, we must first know His will and how it is found.
Biblical Studies
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