God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this;
that power belongeth unto God.
Psalms 62:11
God is the source of all power. He is the supreme and highest authority in the universe.
God has established other levels of authority in the world. He gave authority to His Son, Jesus Christ. He gives believers authority through the Holy Spirit. God has established levels of authority in society, government, business, the home, and the church. These levels of authority are all important. To properly understand principles of spiritual power we must recognize the structure of authority established by God.
But first, attention must be focused on an important truth which is revealed in the Bible. Although God is the source of power, His authority does not go unchallenged. The levels of authority He has established in the world also do not go unchallenged. There are evil forces challenging God's authority. They are not a threat to His authority in any way, but they constantly wage warfare against it nevertheless. If we incorporate the "Power Principles" found in the word of God into our life then we will be challenged by these same forces.
To properly understand power principles starting at the beginning is a must. We must discover the source of power. The source of something is its beginning or place of origin. What is the true source of Power:
the living God revealed in the Holy Bible is the source of all power.
King David wrote:
God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this; that power belongeth unto God. Psalms 62:11
When God repeats something it is because it is very important.
Before anything else existed, there was God. Genesis 1-2 records the beginning of the world and all living beings. God made the earth by His power:
He hath made the earth by His power; He hath established the world by His wisdom and hath stretched out the heavens by His discretion. Jeremiah 10:12
I have made the earth, the man and the beast that are upon the ground, by my great power and by my outstretched arm, and have given it unto whom it seemed meet unto me. Jeremiah 27:5
For by Him were all things created, that are in Heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were create by Him, and for Him. Colossians 1:16
Ah Lord God! Behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee. Jeremiah 32:17
God is the source of power behind all things in their present state:
Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and POWER: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. Revelation 4:11
For of Him, and through Him, and to Him are all things; to whom be glory for ever. Romans 11:36
Who being in the brightness of His glory, and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the Word of His power . . . Hebrews 1:3
God has the times and seasons in His power:
And He said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in His own power. Acts 1:7
The earth and all it contains belong to the Lord:
The earth is the Lord's and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. Psalms 24:1
There are many kingdoms and governments in this world. But God's Kingdom is sovereign. This means He rules over all:
The Lord hath prepared His throne in the Heavens; and His kingdom ruleth over all. Psalms 103:19
Thine, O Lord, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty; for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine; thine is the Kingdom, O Lord, and thou art exalted as head above all. Both riches and honour come of thee, and thou reignest over all; and in thine hand is power and might; and in thine hand it is to make great, and to give strength unto all. 1 Chronicles 29:11-12
Since God created man, only He has power over the spirit of man:
There is no man that hath power over the spirit to retain the spirit; neither hath he power in the day of death . . . Ecclesiastes 8:8
God has power to preserve those appointed to die:
Let the sighing of the prisoner come before thee; according to the greatness of thy power preserve thou those that are appointed to die. Psalms 79:11
God is the one who gives power to the faint:
He giveth power to the faint, and to them that have no might He increaseth strength. Isaiah 40:29
. . . The God of Israel is He that giveth strength and power unto His people. Psalms 68:35
God's power is not affected by the power or lack of power of man:
. . . Lord, it is nothing with thee to help, whether with many, or with them that have no power . . . 2 Chronicles 14:11
God has the power to deliver. The Bible is filled with records of how God supernaturally delivered people in times of need. Two good examples are found in the book of Daniel: God delivered His servants from the furnace of fire in Daniel 3 and from the lions in Daniel 6.
His power is unlimited:
The Lord is slow to anger, and great in power. . . Nahum 1:3
Touching the Almighty, we cannot find Him out; He is excellent in power, and in judgment, and in plenty of justice . . . Job 37:23
. . . hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. 1 Timothy 6:16
. . . the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God, and from His power . . . Revelation 15:8
And the hosts of Heaven cried . . . Saying Amen: Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour, and POWER and might be unto our God for ever and ever. Amen. Revelation 7:12
And after these things I heard a great voice of much people in Heaven, saying, Alleluia: Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power unto the Lord our God. Revelation 19:1
Biblical studies
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